
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Best Time to Create

When is your best time to create?

For me, it's any time of day or night!  I'm moody, though. I mean... I have to be in the mood to create. Sometimes it hits in the middle of the night, but due to the sleeping people in my house I try to hold back at that time.  Morning is great, but I have things that have to be done at that time. Afternoon works fine, but I'm not my sharpest. Evening gets messy because of cooking and eating with family.

There's never really a perfect time to work on crafts, so right now I'm going with the flow!  Jennifer Allwod, at, says "if you treat your creative like a hobbie, it will pay like a hobbie, but if you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business."  For now, I'm in hobbie mode...slow.  I think I've just had too many adjustments in my life that I just want a little down time. Jennifer has an "inner circle" that people can join to learn about selling and marketing.  It sounds great, but I'm so not ready for that! Maybe later. 🙂

For now, I'm happy to follow my moods. What says you?

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