
Friday, February 2, 2018

2018 Flu Epidemic

Hello Peeps,

I just want to take a moment to express a word of caution about the flu this year. If you have even one symptom of the flu, please go to the doctor. It's different this year...and deadly.

Last night my dear friend called me to pick her and her mother up because her grandmother just passed away after three days of the flu. Neither one can drive and no nearby relatives. We are all in shock. 

After hearing about it, I realized this sounded like what my brother went through last week, but caught it in time. They thought it was a heart attack, but turns out his heart is fine.  It was the lining around the heart that was extremely inflamed and squeezing his heart thus creating a heart attack.  They gave him great anti-inflammatory meds and said to take it easy for up to three months. 

I care about you, so take care and look after one another.

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