
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Have you ever wanted to do a project and got "stuck" in the decision process of what you are actually going to do?  What color?  What style?  What arrangement?  This has got to be my illness! 

Thank God for!  Pinterest is my source for new ideas and inspiration.  If I just can't decide on a color or technique, I go there. Many times I see what I don't want first, and then, when I see what I do want, I know it right away!  I understand my project won't turn out the exact same as the picture I've chosen, but I can get an idea of what I can do based on the idea I see.

If Pinterest just so happens to not have what I'm thinking about, I Google the description of my idea and see what turns up there.  I love asking for pictures of the item so I can view them all together instead of on individual blogs. 

Either way (Pinterest or Google), I enjoy finding an item that does refer me to a Blog.  I can read all about the process and see what others have experienced in their trial and error phase. Many times there will be suggestions and referrals to products I just otherwise wouldn't have known about. 

It's amazing how many ideas are floating about out there!  It's also reassuring to find some confirmation on good/bad ideas!  Yes, there's some of those bad ideas out there too!  Stay away from the bad that's a good decision!!

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