
Friday, May 6, 2016

Choosing the Right Color

Choosing the right color can be difficult for some.  It is for me!  So many choices! ....what to pick...what to pick....what to pick...  Perhaps some people are perfectionists...or perhaps, like me, they just have trouble deciding the perfect color. 

When I think of color, I notice that many people choose to omit colors and stick to subdued pallets with lots of neutrals and shades of white. Perhaps it's the simplicity that attracts!

I love color.  Color moves me to a different place and makes me drift into certain moods. Color can be uplifting, calming or even make me hungry! I HAVE to have color!  I need it to lift my soul.  It's my therapy.  I remember painting a brown wall green for my sister and feeling my mood change with every section I rolled.  I was completely relaxed by the time it was finished.

If you don't care for a lot of color, you can use just a little to give your project, setting or décor that little pop of interest.  Color can pull you in... I'm perfectly satisfied with white as long as it has that certain highlight that makes it come alive.  Color gives it the "pop."

Maybe I love color because I come from a "colorful" family!  Or, more likely, maybe its because our world is full of the most amazing God-given hues and I want a part of that.  I want to feel as though I'm in the most exciting or most relaxing places in the world.  I want to bask in the wonder of it.  Even when the color makes me hungry or anxious, it reminds me that I'm alive! 

We can study color theory to a great extent, but what it all boils down to in our personal lives is what moves us.  Let's stop today and just look at the colors around us.  Let's appreciate it today.  What do you like and what turns you off? What colors attract you?  What colors stir your soul? 

Experiment with color, change in it.  Color is a gift I plan on enjoying while I'm given the chance!!!  Thank you, God!



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