
Tuesday, May 3, 2016


In our new digs, we have access to a lot more channels on TV...the hubby made sure I had HGTV and DIY! My new favorite show is Flea Market Flip!

For inspiration, I have challenged my husband to three flips. Brooke, my daughter, will make the rules and we will do the best we can to sell our refurbished/repurposed items at the Coal County Trade Day, online or at the Amish Auction in September.

What to do....what to do. I can see that making up my mind will be the hardest part of this project. I have two positives, though: 1) lots of ideas to pull from and 2) sales skills. However, the hubby has some skills too: 1) he can make anything (very handy) and 2) keen eye to spot a really good deal!

Brooke and I had a fun day in April during the Coalgate Cleanup day and found a few potential items to work with. Residents are invited to put their castaways out on the curb and the city will pick them up. So..... junkers that we are, we went around and found items that we thought could be fixed up! We were like kids in a candy shop....giggling all the way!!! Here's what we found.

The metal and wood chair can definitely be fixed up. The metal is in fine condition! The only thing is it's a HUBBY job! geeze.

The things in the box? three chandeliers! Brooke is thinking about painting them and adding some jewels... The girl has an eye!

I've already taken the dried up wicker off of the lawn chairs and bought the paint. That's what I'll be doing next week!

As for the headboard....I have no idea. I think a corner bench would be lovely, but the dang thing is so heavy! I'm still thinking about it...and hate to admit it's also a HUBBY job...

The Hubby is so handy. He's already taken apart this old table and cut it up to make a bee hive. He has hives and is wanting to make his own hives. He particularly wants to doll this hive up and sell it in our challenge.  

So...He has one down and two to go and we don't even have all the rules yet

P.S. There was one other item(s). The Hubby found a dining room table and six chairs. They need some work and paint, but could be worth up to $600. If he sells those, I'm gonna be so mad!!! hoh

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