
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Abundance in Upcycling

My Mother grew up in the Great Depression and as with many people from that era,  she has her own idiosyncrasies about saving, recycling....maybe hoarding. In her house, I grew up happy with what I had and never knew we really didn't have much.  Everyone I grew up with was pretty much in the same boat (as far as I knew).

Upcycled Newspapers
Mom kept us busy creating things (after housework, of course).  She never believed a person should be bored because there were so many things to learn and do.  If anything, we would look at Good Housekeeping magazines to see what the world was doing in their homes. 

Grandma Grace, of course, was highly influential in this area as well.  She was doing most of the upcycling techniques we see today back in the 1950's and 60's.  She lived right behind us in a second house and I could always count on finding her busy with a project.

In this day and age, I'm coming full circle when it comes to reusing daily items.  After a wasteful time in the 80's and 90's, I'm backtracking to my childhood where everything has value.  Through the years, people have developed the techniques the "old timers" used to create some amazing products.  I've picked five of my favorites finds from the Internet.

1)  Newspaper Wreath:  Cut and rolled into roses, this wreath is attractive AND affordable!  You can find it at

2)  Shirt bibs:  With second-hand stores busting at the seams with clothing, why not try something totally free and useful!  A tutorial on shirt bibs can be found at

3)  Jewelry Redo:  I love the new combinations of costume jewelry from yesteryear!  I know I have a box of these things of my own.  Andrea at has perfected her upcycled-jewelry designs! 

4)  Newspaper sack:  Who doesn't need a newspaper sack?  When you don't have time to run to the store, just pull one of these out for that special gift you need fast! I like having a few gifts in reserve anyway, so why not have the sacks already prepared as well.  You can learn about these sacks at

5)  Found Plastic Chandelier:  Now isn't this interesting?  I found this on  I had to blow it up to see what was in it and wow....just wow!  I can't believe all that trash has made such an interesting and unique item.  I would use this in a party room/gathering place. 

I love finding new ideas.  Perhaps that's my latest addiction, second to creatively storing free supplies (possibly hoarding, but I won't admit that).  The most amazing part of all of this is that we are living in an abundance of free supplies.  Businesses send me mail everyday that I'm not interested in, but I love to look at and save the materials they use to advertise!  All the products I buy from the grocery stores are packaged in some sort of plastic or cardboard - useful supplies!

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