
Monday, May 30, 2016


Wow! I'm totally addicted to an online auction site!  It's like constantly being at an auction ALL the time! The great part about this concept is that I can be a seller AND a buyer at any time of the day or night! 

Here's one of the items I'm selling today.  It's a tapestry pillow cover in almost perfect condition.  There's one teeny-tiny loose thread that can be worked back into the piece.  The back is Muslin and it has a zipper to open and close the case for a 27" pillow!

I don't see any surrounding towns doing this for their area.  There are many Online Garage Sales, but only one auction in my area.  The problem with those sale groups is I'm always too late to get an item.  You have to luck into grabbing anything up.  ...I need time to think about how much I'll pay and if I really need the item.

For the local Online Auction site, if the participants can't meet up for "the trade" on their own, they can meet at the park on Sunday.  All buyers and sellers are encouraged to private message each other to make arrangements.  I personally love for people to swing by my house to pick up their items since I live in a very visible place in town. 

It's exhilarating for money to walk into the house with such little effort! All I have to do is take the photos and post the item from my arm chair.  Then when the deadline comes up, I mark the item sold and make arrangements for pick up!  Simple!  If something doesn't sell, I can save it and repost it later.  No packing!

This is a perfect job for me while I'm at home taking care of my Mother.  God has a plan...all I have to do is pick up on his clues and follow up!  This verse comes to mind when I think about the position I'm currently in and the worries I've had in the past.

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:28-34 NIV

What a great peace of mind I get from these passages!  ...and there are so many more passages for me to lean on.  How great is that!

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Have you ever wanted to do a project and got "stuck" in the decision process of what you are actually going to do?  What color?  What style?  What arrangement?  This has got to be my illness! 

Thank God for!  Pinterest is my source for new ideas and inspiration.  If I just can't decide on a color or technique, I go there. Many times I see what I don't want first, and then, when I see what I do want, I know it right away!  I understand my project won't turn out the exact same as the picture I've chosen, but I can get an idea of what I can do based on the idea I see.

If Pinterest just so happens to not have what I'm thinking about, I Google the description of my idea and see what turns up there.  I love asking for pictures of the item so I can view them all together instead of on individual blogs. 

Either way (Pinterest or Google), I enjoy finding an item that does refer me to a Blog.  I can read all about the process and see what others have experienced in their trial and error phase. Many times there will be suggestions and referrals to products I just otherwise wouldn't have known about. 

It's amazing how many ideas are floating about out there!  It's also reassuring to find some confirmation on good/bad ideas!  Yes, there's some of those bad ideas out there too!  Stay away from the bad that's a good decision!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

I love Frames!

One of our latest creations at Valera Grace is this lovely turquoise and white frame set.  It's heavy, but so nice looking on the wall!  All pieces are distressed to let the natural wood shine through.  It's a perfect piece to display children's photos! 

This is our first try - both Mr. Amazing (our pet name for Jim) and I worked on this together.  It was a lot of fun trying to figure out the dimensions and how the thing operates best!  He ended up cutting squares out of the pallets (behind the frames) and we left the backs off of the frames so it's easy to slide the photo down!

This lovely set of frames was recently sold on the Coalgate Online Auction, but more will be coming!  Be sure to check us out at Valera Grace on  

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Abundance in Upcycling

My Mother grew up in the Great Depression and as with many people from that era,  she has her own idiosyncrasies about saving, recycling....maybe hoarding. In her house, I grew up happy with what I had and never knew we really didn't have much.  Everyone I grew up with was pretty much in the same boat (as far as I knew).

Upcycled Newspapers
Mom kept us busy creating things (after housework, of course).  She never believed a person should be bored because there were so many things to learn and do.  If anything, we would look at Good Housekeeping magazines to see what the world was doing in their homes. 

Grandma Grace, of course, was highly influential in this area as well.  She was doing most of the upcycling techniques we see today back in the 1950's and 60's.  She lived right behind us in a second house and I could always count on finding her busy with a project.

In this day and age, I'm coming full circle when it comes to reusing daily items.  After a wasteful time in the 80's and 90's, I'm backtracking to my childhood where everything has value.  Through the years, people have developed the techniques the "old timers" used to create some amazing products.  I've picked five of my favorites finds from the Internet.

1)  Newspaper Wreath:  Cut and rolled into roses, this wreath is attractive AND affordable!  You can find it at

2)  Shirt bibs:  With second-hand stores busting at the seams with clothing, why not try something totally free and useful!  A tutorial on shirt bibs can be found at

3)  Jewelry Redo:  I love the new combinations of costume jewelry from yesteryear!  I know I have a box of these things of my own.  Andrea at has perfected her upcycled-jewelry designs! 

4)  Newspaper sack:  Who doesn't need a newspaper sack?  When you don't have time to run to the store, just pull one of these out for that special gift you need fast! I like having a few gifts in reserve anyway, so why not have the sacks already prepared as well.  You can learn about these sacks at

5)  Found Plastic Chandelier:  Now isn't this interesting?  I found this on  I had to blow it up to see what was in it and wow....just wow!  I can't believe all that trash has made such an interesting and unique item.  I would use this in a party room/gathering place. 

I love finding new ideas.  Perhaps that's my latest addiction, second to creatively storing free supplies (possibly hoarding, but I won't admit that).  The most amazing part of all of this is that we are living in an abundance of free supplies.  Businesses send me mail everyday that I'm not interested in, but I love to look at and save the materials they use to advertise!  All the products I buy from the grocery stores are packaged in some sort of plastic or cardboard - useful supplies!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Oh what fun!  Jewelry boxes are beautiful in pink! 

This medium-size box is Shabby Chic with its distressed paint. This is the latest project at Valera Grace! Done! (I can't say that about every project!)  I just love this finished product!

I used a soft pink acrylic paint and distressed it with sand paper. I covered the knobs before painting, but hinges and any other hardware were painted and distressed.  All the paint was then coated with clear coat acrylic spray to give it a sheen  The knobs pop and the glass was backed up with craft paper for that romantic edge.   Behind the door is a rotating necklace holder. Even though this is a used (vintage) item, the box itself was hardly used, so the gray lining was a cinch to clean and it looks brand new! 

You can find this item at our Etsy store at Look for us and all of our new products this season!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Choosing the Right Color

Choosing the right color can be difficult for some.  It is for me!  So many choices! ....what to pick...what to pick....what to pick...  Perhaps some people are perfectionists...or perhaps, like me, they just have trouble deciding the perfect color. 

When I think of color, I notice that many people choose to omit colors and stick to subdued pallets with lots of neutrals and shades of white. Perhaps it's the simplicity that attracts!

I love color.  Color moves me to a different place and makes me drift into certain moods. Color can be uplifting, calming or even make me hungry! I HAVE to have color!  I need it to lift my soul.  It's my therapy.  I remember painting a brown wall green for my sister and feeling my mood change with every section I rolled.  I was completely relaxed by the time it was finished.

If you don't care for a lot of color, you can use just a little to give your project, setting or décor that little pop of interest.  Color can pull you in... I'm perfectly satisfied with white as long as it has that certain highlight that makes it come alive.  Color gives it the "pop."

Maybe I love color because I come from a "colorful" family!  Or, more likely, maybe its because our world is full of the most amazing God-given hues and I want a part of that.  I want to feel as though I'm in the most exciting or most relaxing places in the world.  I want to bask in the wonder of it.  Even when the color makes me hungry or anxious, it reminds me that I'm alive! 

We can study color theory to a great extent, but what it all boils down to in our personal lives is what moves us.  Let's stop today and just look at the colors around us.  Let's appreciate it today.  What do you like and what turns you off? What colors attract you?  What colors stir your soul? 

Experiment with color, change in it.  Color is a gift I plan on enjoying while I'm given the chance!!!  Thank you, God!



Thursday, May 5, 2016

Old and Chippy, the Old Fashioned Way

I absolutely love the look of something old and chippy... but even more so, if it's authentic. 

I do love the texturing and treatments most artists use, but something has to be said for raw beauty from a time-worn piece. This lovely door was found in my Father-in-law's shed and, of course, he said I could have it!  That man is the most generous, benevolent person I have ever known. 

Alfred Riley has been a long-time supporter of widows and orphans.  In his journey as a carpenter, he would replace old doors and windows with new ones and on these projects he would ask for the old items instead of taking them to the dump.  Later, when a less fortunate family needed a door or window, he had them.  So...if you are in true need of something, just ask and he'll be there.

And the next most kind-hearted is this guy right here!

Jim Riley has been right by my side on my projects and even sparks up his own plans from time to time!  He can make just about anything. I love his way and love his golden heart!  Can't wait for the next project we do.  We thought we would need to paint this door, but as he spray washed it, the top layer started chipping away and a subtle blue emerged.
For the rail, we looked up sliding-door rails and wow! they were expensive for this country girl. true Jim Riley (Riley Riggin) style, he created his own version of the rail by using a bed rail, some purchased wheels and small attachments.  I absolutely love it! 

Taking a Look Back Primes us for the Future!

Bee-Suite Selfie!
Last night I was wondering where the time has gone (since I have this thing with time), but then started to list all the things we did last year that made it go so fast!  One huge effort was a challenge my hubby and I took  to take a selfie together every day for 365 days.  Somewhere around day 180, we fizzled out.  However, the result of the effort was priceless!  We had a banner year, to say the least!  For two fuddy-duds, we certainly climbed out of a rut!

Let's take a look back at 2015:

Craft Show in Texas
  • 365-day selfie challenge
  • Husband built a huge shop by himself
  • Opened our Etsy shop online
  • Promotion to Manager at my work - extra responsibilities!
  • 5-day vacation in New York City
  • We became bee keepers with a purchase of 5 hives
  • Last child (out of 6) graduated from HS
  • Hosted 60-year Anniversary party for parents at our house
  • Hosted Family reunion at our house
  • Traveled to Texas to be in a craft show
  • Jim got a new job
  • Hosted Mom's birthday party
  • 7-day vacation in Maryland/Washington DC
Its always nice to take a moment to look back at what was accomplished.  We certainly concentrated on things we love to do!  However, this year is quite different. After the "great remodel" of our little house in town, my days are devoted at home with Mom.  I'm thoroughly loving the much-needed rest and look forward to completing some projects - totally blessed to be here!  For some reason, though, I think I'll have some "big" things going on this year.

For one, the Etsy store will be open again real soon!  Perhaps God is working things out in his own timing and here I am - right where I want to be!

Below are some of our one-of-a-kind items. 

Knife Block
Sewing Drawer Storage

Have a blessed day and remember how truly fortunate you are today!  Take a look back and prime yourself for the future!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

“Your time is limited, so don’t
waste it living someone else´s life.” 
Steve Jobs



I love frames!  This is my first try experimenting with a few Goodwill finds this way.  Each of these frames has the glass and a back.  I used acrylic paints on some old and ugly frames, then they got a light coating of a sealant to protect them. 
Just a sample of things that will be on my Etsy store soon.  We (daughter and I) have a big surprise coming in September (we hope).  Stay tuned as we ramp up our Valera Grace brand.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


In our new digs, we have access to a lot more channels on TV...the hubby made sure I had HGTV and DIY! My new favorite show is Flea Market Flip!

For inspiration, I have challenged my husband to three flips. Brooke, my daughter, will make the rules and we will do the best we can to sell our refurbished/repurposed items at the Coal County Trade Day, online or at the Amish Auction in September.

What to do....what to do. I can see that making up my mind will be the hardest part of this project. I have two positives, though: 1) lots of ideas to pull from and 2) sales skills. However, the hubby has some skills too: 1) he can make anything (very handy) and 2) keen eye to spot a really good deal!

Brooke and I had a fun day in April during the Coalgate Cleanup day and found a few potential items to work with. Residents are invited to put their castaways out on the curb and the city will pick them up. So..... junkers that we are, we went around and found items that we thought could be fixed up! We were like kids in a candy shop....giggling all the way!!! Here's what we found.

The metal and wood chair can definitely be fixed up. The metal is in fine condition! The only thing is it's a HUBBY job! geeze.

The things in the box? three chandeliers! Brooke is thinking about painting them and adding some jewels... The girl has an eye!

I've already taken the dried up wicker off of the lawn chairs and bought the paint. That's what I'll be doing next week!

As for the headboard....I have no idea. I think a corner bench would be lovely, but the dang thing is so heavy! I'm still thinking about it...and hate to admit it's also a HUBBY job...

The Hubby is so handy. He's already taken apart this old table and cut it up to make a bee hive. He has hives and is wanting to make his own hives. He particularly wants to doll this hive up and sell it in our challenge.  

So...He has one down and two to go and we don't even have all the rules yet

P.S. There was one other item(s). The Hubby found a dining room table and six chairs. They need some work and paint, but could be worth up to $600. If he sells those, I'm gonna be so mad!!! hoh


Oh happy day!  Just finished a little weekend project (I know, it's Tuesday, but...anyway).  This little Chevron project turned out pretty well!  All I need to do now is block it and it will have that little finished touch. 

While I await my next assignment at work, this project was a perfect fit into the time I had available.  I plan on putting this on my Etsy store, but in case I need a baby shower gift...well, now I have it.  Next....  Red and beige (maybe a little pink) for the girl version of this blanket.

On to the next project!!!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Flea Market Find

     Look what we found!  I hung this wall decoration up high because we will be putting a dresser below.  On the dresser will be our bedroom not much room here, but just the perfect touch.

     It was only $15.  Since we are in this little house, I thought it would be nice to have something different. Brooke and I traveled to El Reno to shop at the Junk Hippy Roadshow!  We expected more finished projects, but it was mostly items that can be used in projects.  I suppose that's what everyone is looking for.  Brooke came home with two lamp-shade frames.  She's going to use it on an old lamp she purchased from a garage sale for cheap! 

     Mom has lots of items to fill this house, mostly beautiful items she was saving for her new home.  She never got the new home, so we pulled them all out so we all, including Mom, could enjoy them while we're here. Every day is special.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


I told you! Time flies! This year has been extremely challenging for me. In November, my lovely Mother asked for some help. Well, simply she just said, "I think I need some help." You have to understand this is the first time in her whole life that she admitted this. She's 86 this year and floating in and out of dementia. It's a good day when she remembers I'm her daughter.

So how are we going to do this... I'm still working and now living with my Mother in a rent house of ours. The good part is it's in town and zero stairs, so it's safer. This year I've set up Home Health, Senior Nutrition and Physical Therapy. I'm very fortunate my work had projects for me to complete at home. I've use my FMLA, but very soon I'll be going to part-time employment. Family is helping, but maybe not as dependable as I thought they would be. I'm so blessed to have this house for her care.

Just when I thought I would get some extra time after all the kids graduated, this happens. Well, no use crying over it. I'm going to make the best of it! In fact, I've been working on projects all along the way. However, I've closed my Etsy shop and hidden this blog temporarily.  Just couldn't keep up with it all.

While preparing this house, we painted every wall and laid carpet. But my favorite part was reworking the cabinets! Look at these beauties!!!


Brightened the place up, didn't it?  It was hard work, but worth every effort! For a minimal cost, I think they are absolutely awesome!  My sister loved them so much, she really got in to organizing the space! It was a lot of fun.

Now that we we get getting settled, we've started "project night" every Tuesday for random crafts and projects. Just had the first one last week. My first project was decorating these medicine bottles. I don't know why we throw away all this perfectly good plastic.  It just needs to be reworked and reused in a different way. 
We're turning them into cute little storage containers and giving them to the girls at the orphan home in Madill. Can't wait to finish them!  Each container will be filled with items like QTips, bobbie pins, bandaids, etc.  After covering them with colorful and fun papers, we will label them and put some bling on them (project for next week!).  Then we might add little notes of encouragment in each for the girls.  The finished products will be added to the shoebox our church prepares for each girl (about 40 girls).  The Shoebox Ministry has been a congregation favorite for years!

Well, I'm back on the board (in slightly less than a year this time!).  I hope I can keep up the posting to let you know how things are going.