
Monday, February 25, 2019

It's Time

I was touched by a poem my cousin posted on Facebook last week so I wanted to share the poem here.  His daughter, Cameron Cuevas, is a freshman at Villa Park High School where the student magazine, The Oracle, featured one of her poems in the Winter/Spring 2019 edition.  Cameron has been writing for herself since the 6th grade and explains her most recent poem.  “People all around us hide behind a mask, because they’re afraid of what people might say when they find out who they really are.  I’ve felt this way for a long time, so that’s why I wrote this piece.” 

Such a brave girl to express her true feelings.  I would say most of us have felt that way at some point in our lives.  I personally have been trying to find the true me hidden under the heavy, often unbearable, layers of perceptions, labels and expectations life imposes.  Below her poem, is a short Q & A with Cameron so we could learn more about her.  I look forward to reading more from this introspective freshman from California! 


Negative thoughts fill your mind
Racing a million miles
Forced to stay still
Faking smiles

Laughing at jokes
Pretending to be something you’re not
All a big hoax
Hoping you don’t get caught

Nobody can know you feel this way
Or else you’re perceived as weak
Can’t put that on display
Cause then you’d be a freak

People tell you to be yourself
That’s not an easy task
But then you’d have to say farewell
I know it’s a lot to ask

You have to do things that challenge you
So take off that mask
Make your breakthrough
Yes it may be a high risk
But you have nothing to lose

Give it a chance
You might like what you see
Maybe you could dance in France
Then life might not be so crappy

Q:  At what age did you start writing poetry and what do you think inspires you to keep writing?

A:  I started writing poetry a couple of months ago so I would say I started writing when I was 14.

Q:  What artist (writer, musician, actor, etc.) do you relate to the most and why?

A:  I relate to Khalid the most because his lyrics are really relatable and I just can relate to what he’s saying.

Q:  Explain the toughest part about being a teenager?

A:  The toughest part is probably hiding behind a mask that society gives you and trying to suffocate your emotions to the point where you forget who you are.

Q:  Describe the perfect career for your future?

A:  When I get older, I want to be a school psychologist and that’s what I see myself doing because I want to help teens realize that its okay to accept your emotions.

Q:  Finally, who has been the biggest influence on your life so far and why?

A:  The biggest influence is probably my dad, only because he always supports me and encourages me to keep on going.

Thank you, Cameron!  I wish you great success in high school, with your chosen career field and with the poetry that flows from you!  You will make a difference to so many people!

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