
Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Hi friends!

I just want to send you this love letter today.  I just posted my new logo yesterday and as I went through the process of deciding my tagline, many revelations in my mind occurred! I am, upcycling and creating things.  I'm reloving the unlovable objects from thrift stores, flee markets and auctions.  I've even chosen my Grandmother's name as my store name; reloving her spirit for life and living.  Then it dawned on me that we all need to learn to relove ourselves.

Has life thrown you a few punches?  It has for me!  I've pushed through some tough times and sought counselling, self-help books, motivational speakers, sermons and one-on-one conversations all my life in search of the "thing" that will bring me happiness.  I had some glimpses of the message I needed to receive, but it's coming in very clear now!  What is it?  It's so simple it was easy for me to overlook all this time.  It's "reloving" myself.  It's becoming interested in me.  It's realizing I'm an amazing creation of God!  Everything he made he called good!  That includes me!

I want to share with you my journey in this blog and some inspirational bits I'm receiving on a daily basis.  But most importantly, I want to give you a gift today.  It's an app you can download on your phone called Peptalk.  It's a wonderful free source of encouragement you can get every day.  Turn it on while you're creating or cleaning.  Listen to it as you drift asleep at night or during a walk or jog.  The app has a mysterious way of changing those negative taped messages in your head into positive inspirational thoughts.  If you can't love yourself right now, then you must turn this on and let it do the work for you.  You don't have to get dressed and go out into the world....just listen while you work.

Here's to being "reloved!"

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