
Monday, February 25, 2019

My Favorite Bag!

I don't get out much, but I ordered this "present" for myself as a celebration for all the hard work I've been doing on my diet!   It's Vera Bradley!

I love the quality in this purse.  This one has a handy recharging place where you can put your battery and cords.  Just thread your charging cord through to the phone pouch and hook up!  Your cord comes out the side pocket where you can place your phone.  How cool is that!

Now I just need a place to go to test this new purse out!  Any suggestions?  Road trip!!!

Click on the Vera Bradley link on this blog to get your own special treat from a quality store! 

It's Time

I was touched by a poem my cousin posted on Facebook last week so I wanted to share the poem here.  His daughter, Cameron Cuevas, is a freshman at Villa Park High School where the student magazine, The Oracle, featured one of her poems in the Winter/Spring 2019 edition.  Cameron has been writing for herself since the 6th grade and explains her most recent poem.  “People all around us hide behind a mask, because they’re afraid of what people might say when they find out who they really are.  I’ve felt this way for a long time, so that’s why I wrote this piece.” 

Such a brave girl to express her true feelings.  I would say most of us have felt that way at some point in our lives.  I personally have been trying to find the true me hidden under the heavy, often unbearable, layers of perceptions, labels and expectations life imposes.  Below her poem, is a short Q & A with Cameron so we could learn more about her.  I look forward to reading more from this introspective freshman from California! 


Negative thoughts fill your mind
Racing a million miles
Forced to stay still
Faking smiles

Laughing at jokes
Pretending to be something you’re not
All a big hoax
Hoping you don’t get caught

Nobody can know you feel this way
Or else you’re perceived as weak
Can’t put that on display
Cause then you’d be a freak

People tell you to be yourself
That’s not an easy task
But then you’d have to say farewell
I know it’s a lot to ask

You have to do things that challenge you
So take off that mask
Make your breakthrough
Yes it may be a high risk
But you have nothing to lose

Give it a chance
You might like what you see
Maybe you could dance in France
Then life might not be so crappy

Q:  At what age did you start writing poetry and what do you think inspires you to keep writing?

A:  I started writing poetry a couple of months ago so I would say I started writing when I was 14.

Q:  What artist (writer, musician, actor, etc.) do you relate to the most and why?

A:  I relate to Khalid the most because his lyrics are really relatable and I just can relate to what he’s saying.

Q:  Explain the toughest part about being a teenager?

A:  The toughest part is probably hiding behind a mask that society gives you and trying to suffocate your emotions to the point where you forget who you are.

Q:  Describe the perfect career for your future?

A:  When I get older, I want to be a school psychologist and that’s what I see myself doing because I want to help teens realize that its okay to accept your emotions.

Q:  Finally, who has been the biggest influence on your life so far and why?

A:  The biggest influence is probably my dad, only because he always supports me and encourages me to keep on going.

Thank you, Cameron!  I wish you great success in high school, with your chosen career field and with the poetry that flows from you!  You will make a difference to so many people!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Finding Projects for Upcycling

Sometimes it can be difficult finding a great upcycling project.  For me, I have about five projects in progress at any one time.  That could be why I keep things out and it always looks like a mess for my husband.  My wheels have been turning about upcycling and creating since I was about 4 years old!  What can you upcycle at age 4?  Ha!  Barbie’s house was a playground for upcycling!  We would look at everything, and I mean everything, for possibilities!  Sock hangers off of new socks  became Barbie’s clothing hangers, empty thread spools became great bases for Barbie’s coffee tables and cardboard could be made into anything from Barbie’s refrigerator to a beautiful dresser mirror. 
One of my favorite stories my Mother would tell was when her mother made clothing for her, her siblings and her cousins for school.  In the early years, Grandma would buy fabric from the store, create her own pattern and sew the fabric into the cutest dresses for all the girls.  When they made it to high school, they needed something a little more grown up and pencil skirts were in style.  Grandma came up with a way to keep the girls in style, but yet, save money. She would cut down Grandpa’s gaberdine pants and restyle them into the smartest pencil skirts around.  The girls were tastefully in style.

Today, we must change our mindset about how we see abundance around us.  Over production in the last several decades has made it easy for us to dispose of things so we’ll buy more, more, more.  Finding upcycling projects should be easy! If you’re stuck, here’s a handy list of places I’ve gotten excellent things to upcycle for little to no money.

1.     The closet:  Surely you have clothing that needs to be tossed.  Think about reusing them.  Cut the buttons off, remake the garment or cut into strips for t-shirt yarn.  There’s a million ideas out there on how to upcycle denim.  While you’re at it, check out those cupboards and drawers too.

2.     Packaging:  Almost every day, we receive packaging in some way.  It could be cardboard, plastic bubble wrap or paper stuffing.  It might be a plastic container or egg carton. Take a hard look at what you can reuse and remake.  You may find out you can hack that cute decorative piece you found online by simply using the free supplies you get on a daily basis.

3.     Mail:  I’ve seen some awesome basket weaving, bead making and paper mâché created from reused mail and newspaper.  You can use it in mulch or mulch it down yourself to make a new hand-made paper for crafts. Don’t overlook the paper that flows into your home.

4.     Yard Sales:  With today’s technology, you can find local sale sites on Facebook all over the place.  If you can’t find one, make one!  You can pick up some cash by selling the things you don’t want and, who knows, you may find just the thing you’ve been looking for!  I’ve found some awesome pieces to work with for very low prices!

5.     Goodwill:  Next to buying locally, the Goodwill, Salvation Army and second-hand shops are the bomb!  You just never know what’s going to come in next.  My favorite thing to buy is 100% cotton top sheets with a beautiful pattern.  I have several projects ideas for my sheet stash!

6.     Live Auction:  My all-time favorite place to find projects is a good old-fashioned live auction!  There’s always excitement in the air and the stuff goes cheap!  The problem with auctions is overbuying!  Within a year, you can have a ton of cool stuff to work with.  It’s awesome! I’m getting ready to redo my $3 China hutch Mr. Amazing bought for me last year.  He’s the best auction buyer ever!  He put me into a Cadillac that only cost $175!!!  I’m driving in style and feel so wonderful that there’s no car payments and only minimal car insurance.  I could go on and on about the deals from live auctions!  If you overdo it and find yourself with way too much stuff, just have a live auction of your own to get rid of the excess.  Fun!

7.     Trashcan:  Ummm, okay, I kinda don’t like the idea of dumpster diving….but I can’t dispute that it’s one of the best places to find great stuff!  The best trash can is the one near the recent live auction.  You’d be surprised at what people leave behind.  When we went back to pick up the Cadillac from that extate auction, the lawn of the house was littered with a bunch of unwanted stuff.  I’ve made over $200 off of that particular bunch of free stuff and a bunch of first-edition books.  Caching!  Do that all year long and you’ve got a wonderful and easy side hustle.  Don’t overlook the big trash bins behind stores. I personally haven’t looked, but I hear they're good and have lot's of new stuff that's slightly damaged - perfect for upcycling.

8.     Nature:  Oh my goodness!  Nature is the best place to find some unique and wonderful materials for projects.  Some of my favorites are seashells, rocks, branches, grapevine and brooms weed.  God gave us some beautiful art!  We just have to open our eyes.

9.     Family/Friends:  Most people have that one person, like a grandparent, or aunt or uncle.  For me, my father-in-law has everything!  In his younger days, he would do house repairs and whenever he replaced doors, the owner would give him the old doors.  Then as his personal ministry, he would give the doors to people who didn’t have doors at all!  So sweet!  Anyway, he collected way more doors than he could give away and actually has some pretty cool architectural salvage.  He is more than willing to give me anything my heart desires.

If you know someone that hangs on to things, you might just be in the right place at the right time when friends or family are cleaning out their house.  Help them out and they may give you something in return.  Maybe they don't keep everything, so keep an eye out of things they want to throw away and offer to take it off their hands. Don't ask them for things they are keeping; that would be rude!  But, the things their hauling to the trash bin are fair game.  It’s always a great idea to keep things from going to the dump ground.

10.City-wide Cleanup Day:  Here in Coalgate, OK, we have a city-wide cleanup day.  People clean out their big stuff, putting it on the curb.  So, since it's sitting there to be picked up from the city workers, I have been known to go around and look for something that can be upcycled.  Maybe half of a piece of furniture is useable and will go with half of something I already have. I'm not the type of person to go around and do this, but when I do, I get a partner to go with me.  We don't really want to be seen picking up peoples trash!  haha  But when we do, we try to work quickly usually squealing at the cheap thrill of trying not to get caught!  We revel in the unbelievable scores, laughing the whole way!  Here's one of my favorites.

So there ya go! Ten great ways to find materials for some new projects.  Hey, maybe you don’t want to mess with all those extra things around your house.  That’s okay, you can always turn your attention to yourself and do a big upcycling project of the grandest kind!  Remake yourself by taking an interest in doing what’s best for your health and frame of mind.  Peptalk is a great way to get started with that project!

We live in abundance, Peeps!  Use it!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Never in a Million Years

Never in a million years would I have expected that I would have a blog about upcycling and it would feature articles on upcycling myself!  As of this week, I’m proud to say I’ve lost 21 lbs.  I’m in a weight loss challenge I entered in October, 2018 on  I haven’t weighed this amount since 2004!  Something about putting the money down makes me work harder.  I can’t afford to lose the challenge!  I HAVE to win! 

2004 was the year I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  My diagnosis revealed that the type of cancer I had was not the hormone-receptive kind.  Today, that kind of cancer is called TNBC or Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  It means that some cancers are fed by hormones, especially estrogen, and some are not.  When we gain weight, and I was mildly obese at the time, we produce excessive estrogen and that promotes the development of mutated cells and helps them to multiply.  The mutated cells soon become cancer cells. Normally, about 80% of the time, breast cancer that’s hormone fed is a slower-growing kind of cancer.  Mine was not that.  Mine was a rapidly growing cancer in an unknown location.  First they said ductal, then lobular and then medullary (in the middle).  They said it was fast growing and the most dangerous kind. 

I was considered to be a Stage III on the scale of severity because of the size of the tumor.  Stage IV is the last stage.  Stage III is when the cancer may or may not have broken loose and travelled to other areas of the body.  They just weren’t quite sure what mine was doing.  It should have broken loose by now because it was a pretty large tumor; about the size of a large paper-shell pecan.

So, I went through all the “things” that were required for my specific bout with  cancer.  In the last half of my chemo treatments, they gave me steroids to offset some of the harsh effects of the poison.  The steroids caused me to instantly gain 20 lbs.  It was steroids and the fact that I had zero taste buds in my mouth (burned off by other harsh ingredients in the poison) that I packed on the pounds.  I kept trying to taste the food and never got the taste buds satisfied!  Fortunately, I was still liking food.  In my Mom’s eyes, that was a good sign!

While fighting breast cancer, and losing my membership within my Indian Tribe (another devastating blow to me), I easily lost something inside and forget who I was.  Before I had breast cancer, I had a long list of things I wanted to do, see and be.  If you know me at all, I have tried all kinds of things, had a dozen different hobbies, a variety of jobs and several business ventures!  It’s kind of a curse when you are a mixture of the person that can do anything and the person who wants to do everything! 

After cancer, my perspective on life changed.  I lost the fire inside.  I was two classes away from getting my Master’s degree (with a 4.0 grade average) and I really didn’t care anymore.  I just wanted to be home and close to my family; my safety net.  People around me, especially my totally supportive husband, were optimistic, but I hid from them the mental and emotional suffering I was dealing with inside.

Little by little I tried a few things to help myself, but mainly, I was back in bed with the covers over my head (I’ve heard it was the family coping mechanism).  I know I was struggling more than I should have been and could have used some help a lot sooner than I actually got it.  I’ve struggled with depression since my teenage years, but this was so much stronger.

I found Peptalk in 2018, but only started using it every day a few months ago.  I turn it on while I wash dishes by hand.  After a couple of weeks, I noticed I was working faster and walking with a little pep in my step.  All I had to do is listen and I felt better and better and better.  I’m so much stronger today, 21 lbs. lighter (finally!) and filled with hope.  This self-imposed upcycling project is coming along nicely!  I can’t wait to share more of my journey with you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Yarn Becomes Vintage Too!

It's winter and the most relaxing craft for me during the coldest days is crochet.  This week I learned a waffle stitch and I'm using it on scarves for my Etsy store.  I love a fluffy scarf, so this is perfect!  I used my Mom's bulky Boucle' yarn I found in some of her craft storage.  I think she bought it in the 80's!  She packed it nicely with dryer sheets to keep them fresh smelling, so I'm continuing with that technique!

These scarves are so plush and warm for the cold, cold winter.  They bounce  a little when you handle them and keep you snuggled inside your coat.  They measure around 55" long and about 7" wide.  

Mom never learned to crochet, but was an excellent knitter!  It's funny that I didn't pick up knitting.  She would knit pull-over sweaters for us in a variety of colors for school and work.  I found three sweaters she was last working on and I'm not throwing them away.  They are going to become pillows as soon as I can get to them.  

I hope you're enjoying a good craft indoors while it's cold outside. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Hi friends!

I just want to send you this love letter today.  I just posted my new logo yesterday and as I went through the process of deciding my tagline, many revelations in my mind occurred! I am, upcycling and creating things.  I'm reloving the unlovable objects from thrift stores, flee markets and auctions.  I've even chosen my Grandmother's name as my store name; reloving her spirit for life and living.  Then it dawned on me that we all need to learn to relove ourselves.

Has life thrown you a few punches?  It has for me!  I've pushed through some tough times and sought counselling, self-help books, motivational speakers, sermons and one-on-one conversations all my life in search of the "thing" that will bring me happiness.  I had some glimpses of the message I needed to receive, but it's coming in very clear now!  What is it?  It's so simple it was easy for me to overlook all this time.  It's "reloving" myself.  It's becoming interested in me.  It's realizing I'm an amazing creation of God!  Everything he made he called good!  That includes me!

I want to share with you my journey in this blog and some inspirational bits I'm receiving on a daily basis.  But most importantly, I want to give you a gift today.  It's an app you can download on your phone called Peptalk.  It's a wonderful free source of encouragement you can get every day.  Turn it on while you're creating or cleaning.  Listen to it as you drift asleep at night or during a walk or jog.  The app has a mysterious way of changing those negative taped messages in your head into positive inspirational thoughts.  If you can't love yourself right now, then you must turn this on and let it do the work for you.  You don't have to get dressed and go out into the world....just listen while you work.

Here's to being "reloved!"

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Bed Spring Organization

Hey, hey, hey!

Finished a new project today and  I love the result!  I've been wading in my craft room looking for supplies for a while now and realized I'm spending more time trying to find what I need than actually working on my projects.  I'm sure you've never done that!

I found a space behind the door that I wanted to tackle first and thought a wall organizer would do the trick.  Had to take three photos to try to capture the finished product because after it was mounted, the space was minimal for me to widen my view...the wall was so obstructive!  Duh!  Anyway, here it is! 

I actually emptied three plastic boxes of tools and now have them organized here!  I could never find my markers and now all I have to do is look behind the door to find them.  I have four tape measures and barely found one for this now when I run across them, I can put them up here.  So handy!  I'm sure the organizer will evolve over time, especially as I add more organizing stations within the room.  What I like about this finished product is that I can now see things instead of them being boxed up.

Because of this project, I actually ordered some new paint and brushes.  Go me!  Any excuse to get more craft tools is a good one, right?  They are in the mail.  After finding some paint and decoupage, I found out I had enough product for these pictures.  I'm still gettin' the new stuff, though!  Just sayin'

The best part of this project is that it was so inexpensive.  I normally sell items on the local online auction, but this time, I ran across a vintage baby bed for sale, so for $4.50, I got it!  I have already designated the other pieces for two more projects, so this one had a total cost to me of $1.50!  Whoohoo!!!  I love saving money and getting what I want at the same time!  Take a look at the inspiration organizer I found online.   Wow, just wow!  Why are things so expensive!  I liked the look of having things readily available for crafting.  It's clean and neat, but not a hundred dollar bill neat!  

So let's go through the steps...  I started by just cleaning up the piece.  I used some sandpaper and a soft dry rag.  There were a couple of rusty spots and a little dust, but overall it was in great shape.  I had to take off the little metal pieces that attached to the frame...didn't need them.  What do you do when you can't find a flathead screw driver in the house?  Return to your "rigging" roots (we call it Riley Riggin' here!) and use a butter knife!  

I delayed working on this project because I didn't have any spray paint.  Well, I had black and white....but I wanted a color.  Something to contrast with the white wall.  My Mom is homebound, so that pretty much makes me homebound too.  I can make quick runs to the local stores, but I needed to go out of town to get what I wanted.  It finally dawned on me to use what I have!!  That's what upcycling is all about and keeping the cost down is a cool challenge to me!

So what did I have?  Small bottles of acrylic paint and not in the color (green or blue) that I wanted.  I had a dark purple and pink though.  So I put that together in my recycled butter dish and made a lavender color.  I wasn't sure it the metal springs would accept the color , especially with a brush, but had a willingness to try it out.  It worked!  It's a soft color with a soft texture; no gloss.  Perfect!  

With the background set, I had to get into the details of how to use this piece as an organizer.  I rummaged around the house and found only a few pieces of hardware to utilize.  We had an auction in 2017 and sold all our bits and pieces.  Uhggg!  So, scraping by, I found some cool little things to use and then as I went along, I found more.  Funny how that happens

During this project, I learned something about myself.  I'm hardware challenged.  I mean....really hardware challenged.  This was such a great exercise pushing my abilities!  I had no idea how to attached the knobs and handles and first tried string!  HAHAHA  Hey, it was tight and worked, but I'm pretty sure it was wrong....just wrong.  Thankfully, I have two sisters who coached me along on how to attached all the "things."  I hung on to the conversation trying to figure out this hardware language one of my sisters spoke!  I finally broke down and started asking all the stupid questions, like what's an eye screw. 

Upcycling is a "frame" of mind.  I hope you're using what "springs" up (pun intended)!  Please send me a comment below to let me know what you think of this idea or show me pictures of your project.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Selling in the New Market

Hi Peeps!

I have a new Facebook friend who paints chairs and always starts his videos with "Hi Peeps!"  I just love his spirit!  Just search for Andy's Chairs on Facebook to enjoy his optimism and love for his business.  He's a true inspiration!

Andy and his Mother have utilized social media to reach new people and find followers as he builds his business.  He's really getting his name out there and works all the angles.  As I enjoy watching Andy and many online videos, I realize that Im now five years into my own blog.  The investment of time in blogging has been minimal and it's been a lot of fun!

In that five years, I've been researching projects, business models and marketing strategies in my spare time after working at my full-time job.  I've been making small goals and discovering what I'm actually capable of doing.  What I've learned mostly is that the market place is a changing!  It's changing fast and it's time for us to change with it!  

The goal, however, is still the same....make money.  But how we make it is drastically different than in years past.  Instead of us seeing new brick-and-mortar stores, we're seeing an influx of new online businesses popping up all over the net. Additionally, well-established stores are also scaling back on their physical stores with more concentration on their online presence.

In an online sea of merchants, its seemingly more difficult to compete.  It looks like a business needs to set themselves apart from the rest; to offer more than traditionally expected.  This is called "value added."  Value added can be just about anything!  If you are a person who thinks "outside the box," then here's a perfect challenge for you!

There's so much information out there now.  You can find podcasts and videos on anything from accounting practices to how to take professional photos to making cupcakes.  There are bloggers and websites to guide you through the obstacle course in your field of endeavor.  Then there are places like Google and Pinterest to search for new ideas.  And, let's not leave out all the social media we can use to reach readers and customers!

Jennifer Allwood  can be found on Facebook and offers a wealth of information to convert your traditional ideas into a modern game plan.  Even without joining her "Inner Circle," you have so much to gain from listening to what she has to say.  What I'm learning from her now is the different revenue sources a business can enjoy by operating online.  I have some of those revenue sources, but want to learn how to get more out of them and create even more revenue streams.  She's a creative person who understands my way of thinking and has certainly perfected her business structure.  Try her out!

Finally, I want to give a plug to my cousins with InTouch Marketing out of California. You must read some of their material.  The information is very much "Value Added" for any business!  

Okay, Peeps, see you around on the net!  Take care and rethink your plan!