
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Table Transformation

Brooke purchased a table at a local auction for a whopping $7 last year!  She's really got a good eye!  We didn't get a before picture, but I found this one online that looks very similar so you can see what we started with. Maybe the legs on our table are a touch bigger.

The table was in great condition and we used it all year long at my house since Brooke had a different table given to her.  Our plan from the beginning, though, was to paint it.

I had some gray and white paint I purchased for a different project.  It's not chalk paint, but a semi-gloss laytex. It came straight from the shelf without mixing in any colors.  I was in a hurry!  Brooke also had some leftover paint from recently painting her walls in her house.  To begin, she painted the legs gray.

Then she sanded the top of the table to rough up the surface for a better grip on the paint.  As you can see, we didn't even move the table out of the dining room!  

So, here's the beautiful part!!!  We drizzled the white, gray and blue paints on top of the table and Brooke swiped it back and forth across the length of the table!  We fell in love with it instantly!

Of course, everyone in the room stood around and tried to give Brooke advice on which way to swipe and blend, but she did her own thing giving it her unique touch!

It works very nicely with my new rug and newly painted china hutch!

She was going to give this table to her sister-in-law.....but now I guess she's just gonna be an "Indian Giver"!  I can say that since we're Native American, right?  

The new plan is for her to bring her table to my house and take this one for her dining room.  The color will match the walls perfectly!  

It was an experiment that worked out really well and was so much fun!  The legs took about an hour to paint and the top (sanding and painting) took another hour …probably because we talk too much!  haha

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