
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

On Climate Change

I’ve been watching a lot of climate change videos on YouTube lately and have a couple of opinions.

First, I agree with people that say climate change is a natural occurrence and comes in cycles; a natural phenomenon.  It’s historical and it’s also our future, leaving us with the expectation that it’s going to change soon.  Some say that we’ve made this topic into a political one in their attempt to discredit scientific evidence.  That point can be argued both ways because of the corporate interests on both sides.   But, I don’t place “being political” with this subject as an important reason to dismiss anything.  If it’s changing, we need to get prepared!  We need to know what to expect and how to accommodate our lives accordingly.  I hope we hear more from our leaders about the subject.  Benjamin Disraeli said, “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.”

Second, I agree with the majority of scientists that say we are helping to perpetuate this natural occurrence of climate change by using fossil fuels, trashing our land, and using certain agricultural methods.  Even if all the scientists are incorrect in their findings, it’s a safe bet to be kind to our land, air and water.  It might be my Native American heart that feels that the earth dies a little every time we do something bad to it.  I know my life has been built around using the products the corporate world places in front of me, but I want to change.  I wonder when government and corporations will start placing this precious gift called Earth at the top of their priority list?  Gretta Thunburg and the students who follow her are an inspiration in their determined efforts to call attention to the subject.

My life is geared toward improvement.  I try to improve my surroundings, myself and my future.  I never claim to be perfect, but I do claim to try harder.  In trying harder, I work at keeping my mind straight by talking with people with positive attitudes, reading uplifting books and articles and listening to things like Peptalk.   I exercise and try to eat right, even though it’s an ongoing challenge!  I believe in recycling and love to upcycle even the smallest of things.  And then, there’s all the planning for the future!  I learned to plan when I turned 20 and haven’t quit yet!  I like to research, budget and estimate for my long list of goals.  Do I always reach those goals?  No!  But I sure love trying.

I hope more and more people will consider climate change and the devastating affects it could have on us.  I hope we all take steps to do better, to take care of the land that supports us.  I hope we can see the corporate greed associated with the burning of fossil fuels and we start using alternative means to live. 

I resigned from my teaching job years ago to be present in my children’s lives.  You know… they only grow up once.  Now is the time to take care of the earth… because ….well, it’s the only one we have.  What do you think?

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