
Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Crafternoons are one of the best ways to overcome a period of the blues.  My friends and family know I’m not feeling too hot due to the recent move my Mother made to the nursing home.  Fortunately, my friend, Cindy, sprung into action and created an afternoon of crafting for us to join.  It was only four of us, but it was really fun getting together, laughing, eating, sharing stories and creating.  It turns out, I’m not the only one going through something.  The reality of it is we are ALL going through something and Cindy was smart enough to recognize each of our individual needs and found something we could do together to release some of the anxiety each of us have been holding inside.

Here are a few pictures of our fun day!  Of course, there was no makeup, messy hair and a mess on the table, but it was so therapeutic! 



The Hard-Working Table!

We wanted to do our work outside on a warm day, but in typical Oklahoma fashion, a cold front moved in.  At the last minute we had to change our plans to an indoor craft.  We went with string balls, something none of us knew much about!  We all contributed our best guess on how to make them.  Some of them looked ok-ish, but some were a complete fail!  We agreed that our string balls have "character!" After making a little over a dozen of these masterpieces, we considered looking up the technique online.  Duh!  

Here's what we were going for:

Here's our "character" filled version:

Even with the not so perfect looking string balls, we had a great time, accomplishing what we really set out to do.  We were able to work with our hands and get them covered with a cathartic glue/starch mix as we opened up with our issues.  The highlight of the day was finally looking up from the table and finding this!

She certainly had a fun day too!  We got a good dose of great medicine - laughter!

As we move into the week, I have a little more energy to get back on track.  I’ve slacked on my walking, so that’s on the agenda this week as well as ramping up my Peptalk sessions.  Hopefully, things will seam a little more normal soon!  Thank you Cindy, Macy and Brooke!

The most constant thing in life is change. I'll remember our discussion and fun time when I look at my string balls.  I'm hoping crafternoons become a regular activity! 

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