
Monday, April 22, 2019


I've been posting on Facebook about Spring coming for a while now and finally, we had a sunny weekend!  Easter day couldn't have been more perfect. It's so beautiful outside with all the green grass and trees!  Here's my little Indian Princess and her freshly colored eggs!  We had a big time dying them and it was so fun to see her surprise every time we lifted them out of the cups of dye!  She had a little fit when we took them away to hide them in the front yard, but was happy to find them again!  

Brooke and I went to the Master Gardner's Expo in Durant on Saturday and the plants were spectacular!  We visited lots of plant and craft booths as well as attended a couple of workshops on gardening.  I won two prizes - pepper plants and a "Mule's Ear" plant!  Sweet!  I've never even heard of a "Mule's Ear" plant before, so I'm interested on how it grows!  Fun, fun, fun!

Now that I'm free to do things, Jim has me following him on his bee keeping adventures!  Here he is checking out a swarm in a tree outside our house Saturday evening.

We noticed a bunch of them flying around our backyard and he was right when he said they were swarming!  I'm learning all about the bee world!  It's absolutely amazing!  We went out to inspect hives yesterday and I only got stung once!  haha  For some reason I thought they wouldn't come after me!  I'll be getting me a suit like this soon!

With the warm weather and sunshine, I almost don't need my Peptalk, but I'm gonna keep on listening to keep my head straight with ideas I want to think of.  It's so easy for me to be influenced by people and they way they think.  So, if I'm gonna be influenced, might as well pick who I want to be influenced by, right?!

Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine! 

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