
Monday, March 4, 2019

100% Cotton Sheets!

I love buying sheets at the Goodwill or second-hand stores.  Some are worn and have a soft feel and others are crisp like they were never used much.  The older ones are interesting because they have beautiful and often forgotten patterns that bring about memories of days gone by.  My intention is to upcycle these sheets into many different projects, but so far, buying them seems to be the true hobby!    I do, however, have these two projects going.  The first one is dinner napkins.  

These particular napkins are made from the newer and more pristine sheets that are 100% cotton.  They are wonderful to work with and feel brand new.  I found a few in these soft colors and patterns which makes them great for Spring!  Next, I’m making more of these tiny pillows.  My new batch needs to be filled and sewn shut.

The pillows are great for people coming out of surgery.  After my own double mastectomy, I received four of them to place under my arms to relieve pressure from the surgical area.  I’m working on several of these and hope they will be useful to someone who needs them.  They make great gifts from people who otherwise don’t know what to do to make the patient feel better.  I absolutely loved and appreciated the gesture when I was given my tiny pillows.

On the horizon, I’m hoping to make some pajama pants and shorts for my granddaughters.  Sheets are the perfect soft and breezy material to use!  Then I’m hoping to branch out into making spring/summer robes.  Those make great bride’s maids gifts!  I’m not planning on getting married, but someone in the family might! 

Finally, I started, but had to abandon it during our last big move in 2017, a girls baby quilt.  It was so fun matching the different sheets from different locations!  Gotta get back to it and maybe we’ll have some baby shower gifts!  Perhaps I need an extra Peptalk to get me going again! 

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