
Friday, November 30, 2018

Quitting My Job Wasn't So Bad!

I noticed some buzz around my post on quitting work and thought I'd let you know how it's going for me - year one!

Well....we sold our home in January and paid off all our debts, so nothing to pay here except utilities, insurance, and food - the basics.  We were fortunate enough to buy real estate about 15 years ago, so we have a rental income.  We are currently forced to live in one of our rentals, but we rent the other one, so we are not big real estate moguls!  haha  My husband works part-time and I sell things from home.  My Mom also contributes to the household.  We have both started businesses of our own.  He has honey bees and sells a little honey and I, well, I sell things from home.

Is not working making it difficult for us to live?  Not at all!  Even though my husband works, we use none of that for our bills.  We only use our rental income from our one rent house to pay the bills.  It's not much, but remember, our "money move" was paying off every debt we owed.  Definitely, debt can keep you as a prisoner!  My husband keeps what he makes from work and I keep what I make selling things online.  

I would have to say I'm extremely blessed and I could sit back and enjoy the support from my husband.  But that's not me.  I like having my own money and love to create things to sell online.  Buying things at live auctions and selling them online gives me a thrill.  I don't really know why...maybe we would need a psychologist to uncover the reasons why.  At any rate, my life is so much better now than it was when I was in the rat race!  My hubby relies on a relaxed part-time job where he has plenty of time to think and do what he wants during certain slow times.  Quitting my job was different at first and hard to adjust to the idea of it, but I'm good now.  

So, how about you?  What money moves are you going to make to get you in the position to quit your job?  I know its not as easy as it sounds and there are many reasons why you can't just quit.  Believe me, I've been in that place where it seemed impossible. I remember reminding my kids as they were growing up that life is not fair, you just have to get things swingin' your way! Jim and I have definitely gotten things going our way.

If you've read my first blog, I was whining about not having enough time.  Well, I got it now.  It's hard to get moving sometimes and there are always challenges to overcome, but I'm working on it every day.  I feel like I'm on my "second act" like some retired folks! I'm 52 and living the life I want to live. 

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