
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Quick Five! Ceramics

Time for a Quick Five!  The Pinterest junky strikes again!  I love looking at all the new (at least new to me) creations from around the world.  Today, I'm highlighting ceramics.  ...and these aren't your Grandma's ceramics.  They're contemporary and quirky and useful for our lifestyles today.
I would say years ago we were stuck on achieving perfectionism, but look at the beauty expressed in this set of pink bowls. I've recently turned my attention to pink and so this creation caught my eye by color first.  The style however, is intriguing... not perfect... free.  You can find this item on Pinterest at  Amai Ceramic has many similar pieces in a variety of colors.
We don't have an artist to highlight on this next photo, so maybe they'll see this and claim their art!  Again, the beauty to me is in the natural flow of the piece. The edges are imperfect and reflects real life.  The imperfections are perfect and the color draws you in!  Every Grandma needs a candy dish like this!  You can also find this on, if you search for it!  I was unable to actually locate the original post.
These tree ornaments are made in Istanbul, Turkey by Hande Bilten and can be found in her store at  My link goes directly to the store.   I think she's done a fabulous job, don't you?  I don't know how green trees on a green tree will look, but perhaps you have a white tree... or better yet, a pink tree!  Yeah, I've seen those!  Anyway, I'm a sucker for ornaments.  Guilty!
Look at this amazing gadget!  JoAnna Buyert from Minneapolis has this great idea at her store, Fringe and Fettle.  It's located on Etsy.  This is perfect for small fruit!  I've used my hand many times and often wished I had a small strainer like this.  Great idea to solve this little issue.  This store has many interesting ceramic items for sale.  Way to go JoAnna!

Elsa Kettinger also has the inventors gene! From Rochester, NY, Elsa makes these pretty gadgets that make your iPhone easy to see while you're working.  I've often wished for this as well while cooking from a new recipe!  I've been afraid of my phone getting wet or having a splash of food on it.  Check her out at her store Elsakstudios on  Geeze, why didn't I think of this!  Oh yeah, I don't do ceramics...

Well, that's it for today.  I love these items and can only dream about them and, of course, purchase my favorites from others... unless I get started making ceramics!  Maybe another day.  I might try salt dough, though, to see if I like it.  

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