
Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Hello World!

Do you have your New Year's resolutions made?  I usually break mine within two weeks, so I decided this year to make goals!  I started making goals when I was about 20 years old - not for the new year, but just in general.  Once I make a goal, I then determine the tasks I must complete to reach the goal.  Then, it's time to go with it!

I love the movie, "Julie and Julia," and was able to watch it last week.  Wow, she bit off a little more than she could chew!  But, she did it!  She learned so much and accomplished her mission!  And...she was discovered by many professionals - publishers, editors and news people.  I also love the beautiful story she uncovered about Julia Child!  Such effort put into something! 

I would love to be like Julie, but I just think a challenge to be filled every day would be too much and I would be laying in the floor like she did, crying about how hard it is!  haha  Instead I made goals I think I can reach at my age! they are:

  • Post 30 items to the local online auction each week.  My husband and I have created a little income this year from this little auction and it's easy peasy and it will provide an extra income to be applied in different areas - hopefully my business!
  • Refurbish and post one piece of furniture each month. I am way new to this, but I think I can do it.  I want to start small and then challenge myself with bigger or better things each month.  Maybe I'll eventually post them to Craigslist or an online site in the city.
  • Post 7 items per week to the Etsy store.  I just think it would be nice to have an item to represent each day of the year.  I probably won't work on it every day though.  Maybe on one day, and then post on another day.
  • Post 10 items per week to bigger online sites.  If I can group those posts to a particular time and place, I can make one trip out to meet my customers and possibly , because it will be larger communities, get a better price for them.
  • Repair the building we own in town.  My husband and I have a building in town that we used for a pawn shop before I started working.  We hope to repair it enough to store all our items.  It has a bad roof leak and old items from the pawn shop.  No plans on opening the doors, just want to use for a warehouse of sorts.
  • Quit my part-time job.  Scary, right?  Yeah.  I've been thinking about it for at least two years!  I think this is the year though.  I make good money, but went from full-time to part-time to take care of my mother.  Well, it's really hard to leave town now to go to work, so I need to do things so I can stay close to her.  So this should explain the the other goals above.  I hope I make enough to be able to quit my job...
Do you have any "goals" for 2017?  I'd love to know about them, if you want to send them in a comment below! 

Happy New Year!!!

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