
Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Final (weight loss) Countdown

At 53, weight loss is tough!!!  

I've been working on losing my goal of 55 lbs. since October of last year.  I reduced my calories to 1,500 calories a day and started walking, losing about four lbs. per month for about six months.  When I stopped losing, I reduced my calories again and now live off of 1,200 calories per day; when I'm good!  I still walk, but have to admit, my walking is not consistent.  My next (small) weight loss challenge ends in four days and it doesn't look like I'm gonna meet my small goal...again.

I was hoping I would have done better in my slow and methodical weight loss plan, but my body barely responds to what I'm doing.  In fact, I've gained a couple of lbs. this week, so I still have 24 lbs. to go... So frustrating!

I'm on the last two months of my big challenge, so I'm going to have to ramp things up, Big Time!  My calories are already as low as they can go to be healthy, so it's going to be exercise that pulls me through.  Uhhggg!  If you know me, I really don't care for exercise.  It's going to be walking every day with intermittent jogging while pushing as much as possible for more jogging time. I walk about a mile and a half a day (when I walk), so it's gonna have to be more!   

I'm pushed into a corner guys!  I HAVE to do this!  I put my money on the line and that wager is the biggest motivation I've had to lose weight in years!  I can do this!  I can lose 24 lbs. in two months.  That's an average of three lbs. a week; very doable!  Contestants lost more than that on the Biggest Loser, right?  

I'll be concentrating on this with lot's of Peptalks in my ear!  Watch out folks, I'm on a mission!

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