
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Getting Organized

I ran across Bullet Journals on Pinterest this week.  I have to say, I'm attracted to the thought of it! 

Of course, organizing on paper is not a new idea.  I actually joined the “Flylady” movement in 2007.  She is super effective at getting people to establish habits and routines.  Her program comes with code words, acronyms, clever quotes, songs and a Control Center, to name a few!  You should look her up at   I created the Control Center book for my own and referred to it regularly...until life got going too fast again! I simply ran out of time once I went to work and it fizzled out around 2012. 

So, fast forward to 2018 and here we go again! I've decided to keep my old binder and cleaned the outside cover last night. I noticed the new Bullet Journals are done in journaling books, but I love having the ability to move my pages. 

Here are a few pages I made today--kind of crude, I know, but I hope the new pages help me to develop the structure I need here at home!

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