
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Cancer Sucks

My friend is having a double mastectomy tomorrow morning. I'm so saddened.

I went through it in 2004 and it was not fun. It was scary. So much runs through your mind and there is absolutely no control over your own life. 

Reflecting on my experience with it, I wanted to do something meaningful for her and I remembered a little lady visiting me in my hospital room. It was her ministry to visit and deliver tiny pillows to anyone who might like one. I took two! They were perfect under my arms to relieve the pressure from the arms on the sides of my chest - especially where they took out the lymph nodes.

More importantly, the pillows gave me comfort to know there are thoughtful and caring people in the world. a way of paying it forward, here's my version of the tiny pillows given to my friend today. I added the little book full of prayers and scripture on healing. I hope they comfort this beautiful child of God. And, maybe it will be a good idea for someone else that doesn't know what to do for their friend.

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