
Monday, January 14, 2019

Trunk Turned Coffee Table with Storage

Check out this fun project I've been working on all week!  It's a coffee table on wheels with some neat storage for all those items that can clutter a room!  I had so much fun painting, assembling and lining this piece!   

I started with an old trunk Mr. Amazing found at an auction here in our home town.  To be honest, I didn't know what in the world I was going to do with it!  It had a bold blue vinyl covering with some bruised and battered gold trim.  Keeping with the funky style the inside was made up of ugly brown particle board!

I started by cleaning the entire trunk and then giving the whole thing a good priming with an all-purpose white primer.

Then it took a day, some "manly tools" and a little assistance to attach the wheels and make the upper tray.  

Once the main additions were in place, I moved forward with some paint.  I added some white for another good undercoating then used an aged painting technique in a duck-egg blue.

My favorite part (and my first try at something like this) was lining the inside of the lid!

I still can't believe how easy it was to line the fabric up to the inside lip.  I had planned on using a thin piece of cardboard to pull the fabric around for a straight edge, but because I used a good cotton fabric, it wasn't necessary.

Next, I added some stenciling and then finished it off with a good black wax to continue the aging process.  The waxing was so easy, I let my Grandson have a go at it too!

Since I don't refinish much furniture, this project was a joy to work on!  I'm so pleased with the finished product. 


  1. Great upcycle project! That's fun that your grandson helped work on waxing it, too. Old trunks are wonderful storage, aren't they? I have a thing for trunks and worked on a couple of oldies from our family back when we were first married.

    Happily pinned for you. <3
    Enjoy your trunk,
    Barb :)

  2. Hi Barbara, thank you for your comment! I very much loved working on this project!
