
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Time for What I Love!

Time....the one thing you just can't replace.

It seems like all we do is work.  I don't mean to sound lazy, but it just seems like there's not much time to do the things we really love to do.  For me cleaning house is a struggle when that time is after the 8-hour work day.  Add on the time to get ready, drive to work and run an errand or a kids activity after hours and now we're talking about a 12 to 14-hour day and quite frankly I'm usually tired when I get home.  On Saturday, I usually rationalize that I need to do something fun with the hubby or family.  And, Sunday is devoted to the Lord, rest and visiting my kids and relatives.

I'm so glad I get to see my lovely Grand Babies, but it's regrettable for me that I haven't spent more time "working" on things I love....crafts, scrapbooking, refurbishing, creating, blogging, genealogy and auctions.  So, now I'm going to try to squeeze that time out before it slips by!  After all, the kids are grown and our little redneck mansion is all mine and my husband's (mostly mine). 

My name is Mary Riley and I'm married to Jim Riley, the nicest husband around and the Love of my life!  I'm the proud Mother of six children (James, Nick, Jaymin, Jaydin, Brooke and Jaylee) and six beautiful Grand Babies (Annie, Brylee, Gage, Natalie, Lexius and Mattox)!  So.... I have been a really fulfilled Mother and now a fulfilled Grandma Mary!  I miss my little kids so much, not so much the grown-up versions, but I really miss my babies!  They were so cute and we were always doing something together.  I just cherish the moments with the Grand Kids and often remember all the fun I had with my own kids!

I love my husband, I love my job, I love my family and I love my home.  I'm ready for the next chapter of my life, so I hope you join me in the new adventures to come.  You see....the plans are all up here in my head....craft shows, craft booth in town, blog, website, etsy and just expressing what's inside me!  This is step one....   it's scary, but it's time!

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