
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Everything Has Changed!

My life was moving along nicely and then everything changed! I haven’t even done a year in review because everything happened so quickly and it still keeps changing: COVID19 being the most recent change.

On July 10, 2019 my Father-in-Law suffered his first of three strokes and because of that we moved in with the parents. Two more strokes and he’s on Hospice. Liver disease has plagued my Morher-in-Law, so one patient has turned into two and surgery for her is in the future. 

We sold a house, moved all our earthly belongings into storage and now live in my husbands childhood bedroom, if you can imagine! An opportunity to buy another rent house opened up, so now we have yet another project. 

Our dozer broke down, but that doesn’t matter because we’re busy with the everyday demands inside the house. At any rate, our house building plans have been stalled. We can only dream, at this point, about our life on the hill. 

I can post small things here,  but nothing with pictures. Our signal is too week, so blogging is stalled, unless I find the time to drive to town to use the library wi-fi.

So, as we spend Easter caretaking for our parents, I had a moment to reflect and realize I’m right where God wants me to be at this moment in time and the future is in His hands. 

P.S.  I won the weight loss challenge with a total of 55 lbs lost! I won $2,700 from!  Somehow it’s not as significant in my life as it once was.

Happy Easter!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Weight Loss Goals Almost Accomplished

Five lbs. to go! It’s been a long journey and I hope I can slide in to the final weigh-in goal! and the Peptalk app are great ways to get motivated to lose! My goal was 55 lbs. and it was a struggle! To begin with, I had no idea menopause had such an affect on the body! Second, we have three parents who need our help with various health issues and emergencies including Dementia, cirrhosis and strokes...many stressful interruptions. 

Full report coming when I win my $2,700!