
Monday, December 31, 2018


As always, I like to review the year and then start planning for the new year.  And, as always, my plans never go as planned.  I can say, though, that if I don't reach for something, I rarely move forward. I've progressed each year in my slow, methodical style, working through each life milestone as they come.  So....let's review.

  • First, we backed out of the purchase of the land and house on the Blue River.  The appraisal came back way under the asking price - by about $80,000!  We just couldn't stand over paying for it and thought we would be kicking ourselves for a long time over a stupid mistake!  So....we are here in one of our rent houses (sold our home in the country in 2017).
  • We took over ownership of 40 acres of land that was gifted to us by my father-in-law!  Wow!  We're so excited to have a new "country" place!
  • In May our son, Jaycen, graduated from high school. He and his girlfriend have our seventh grand baby, Kamber!  We're up to 22 in our family!
  • Another year almost under my belt watching my Mom.  In February, I will have completed three years! She continues to decline, but we are doing everything we can to slow things down and keep her comfortable. I'm so blessed to have her here with me.
  • My beautiful daughter, Brooke, got married on October 20!  We welcome with open hearts  the wonderful man she married, Chris Hall!

  • Now....on to business.  I had a great run at posting on Facebook and making sales from our auction buys!  More than doubled our money and averaged around $500 extra (in my pocket!) a month! That's $500 profit.   I had a couple of relapses, but I doubled my posting goal of 30 items per week to 60 items per week!  Yay! Coalgate, OK, has the best auction site!
  • I posted on Etsy more than ever before, but did not reach my goal of one item per day.  I made a few things, but mostly posted antiques.  
  • My goal of refurbishing one piece of furniture per month fell short by 10 items!  lol  But the two that I completed sold for a nice profit!  Yay! 
  • Posting on other (bigger) online Facebook sale sites was a NO GO....
  • We have started repairs on our building on Main Street!  Whoohoo!  That's all due to Mr. Amazing Riley!  First and foremost, he stopped the roof leak!  We have a kitchen, because it used to be a restaurant, so he's already started clearing it out and getting ready for repairs.
  • Quit my job?  YES!  Since we sold the country home, we paid everything off!  Now we just have minimal bills.  It's such a freeing experience.  
  • I did pretty ok on my blogging, Facebook and Pinterest posts.  
It was a great year!  My improvements on the business side will begin to pay off some day.  I'm a slow and steady kind of person, so we'll see what next year brings!