
Monday, June 2, 2014

Maybe I Don't!

It's Monday and I'm pooped!  It was my first day back to work after a week-long vacation.  I thought about my blog all day long, but just couldn't get things going after work.  I did however, find the picture of my Grand Mother that inspires me.

She was one exciting lady.  She was content with life and always had something going on!  I saw some photos of her sisters and they looked so serious.  Not my Grandma!  

She wrote letters to my Grand Father, Frank Smith, after she split up with her first husband.  I think this must have come with one of the letters....  What do you think?

Hope you enjoy this photo as much as I do.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

I Still Got It!

Well, it took me a few days to get going.  I guess I'm getting slower in my old age!  Today was Sunday School and Church and then a birthday party for my little Lexi Rae!  She turned six this week, but we waited for her Daddy to come home from work to celebrate with a cake.  She got an iPad today!  Geeze!  I don't even have one of those!  These kids are so computer savvy these days!

After all that, I finally got started with my first project.  I picked something easy; a simple box.  I love boxes and collected them at one time.  But since I'm pairing everything down in my home now, I decided to redo some of them to put in a booth or take to a show.  I think this one will be perfect for the Amish Auction in September.  That particular craft show is perfect for items with fall colors!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll keep this trend going and work on another project!  Finishing one item makes me feel like..."I still got it!"  haha  I do like this blogging.  It makes me more accountable!  I feel obligated now to actually do the things I say I'm going to do!  I suppose this is why all of this is a big deal to me.